Monday, May 28, 2012

Recycled Sweater Fish

As promised, here are the Recycled Sweater Fish made by 4th-6th graders during the School's Out/ Art's In program at Parkdale Elementary and Cascade Locks School.  The students learned about the flooding of Celilo Falls and the importance of fish to the Native American tribes in the area.

Not only did the students learn about the fishing culture and the devastation of the flooding of Celilo Falls, but they also learned how to use recycled materials to create art.

The students learned how to cut out and pin a pattern, how to put right sides together to sew a stuffed animal, then turn it inside out, stuff and hand sew the opening.

Once all of the fish were completed, they were put on display at May's First Friday at the Columbia Art Center in Hood River  for the whole community to see.

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