
Monday, May 21, 2012

Gardening at Work

My husband works in a nondescript building in an industrial area of the town, but that is not stopping him from planting a garden at work this year.  The idea is that having a garden at work will allow the employees to help tend to the garden and have fresh food they can harvest throughout the season.  What a great way to create conversation, collaboration and boost moral.  No one will be required to participate in the gardening project, but the hopes are that interest will spread and people will begin to help out with the watering and weeding during their breaks... especially on those beautiful spring and summer days when the outdoors are calling!

The kids and I came by with a picnic dinner and helped plant the garden after work one day.

Everyone helped to put carrots, strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, radishes, beets, lettuces, pumpkins, watermelon, cucumbers and sunflowers in the ground.

The garden is next to the road.  A couple of people stopped by as they were walking their dogs and asked what we were doing.  Hopefully this generates interest from the community too.  Planting a garden at work is such a great idea!

1 comment:

  1. And, again, another example of why I wish I lived near you. You and your family ooze (in a good way!!) amazing, creative ideas! What a wonderful gift to Jess' company!
