
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Repurposing Challenge 2012

Year: 2012
Challenge: to find 12 waste products and give them a new life

Once a month I will find a waste product, such as vinyl billboards, or woven malt bags, and create something new out of it. The idea is to look at our waste in a new way and think of it as material to create/repurpose instead of something to throw away.

You are invited to join in the challenge. Contact me by email ( or post a comment letting me know you would like to join in the challenge. All I ask is that you send a photo and short description of what you created. If you can not get your hands on some of the "challenge material" on your own, I would be happy to send some your way. Get those creative juices flowing and think outside the box.

Challenge #1- January
Vinyl billboards

Challenge #2- February
cassette tapes

More information will be coming soon. I am talking with some organizations in town that want to be involved in this project. Hopefully we will have a space each month to have a Kick-Off Event to distribute the challenge material and brainstorm ideas together. I am also finding places to display the creative projects that are made each month.

The first meeting of the year to kick-off the project will be Tuesday, January 10th at the Columbia Art Center  at noon.  Materials will be handed out for January's challenge.  If you cannot make it to the meeting on Tuesday, stop by the Art Center and pick up material during their regular business hours.

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