
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cloth Diaper Covers

My latest venture has been diaper wraps for cloth diapers. Since my son is still in cloth diapers, I learned how to make them in fun prints. I was tired of the same old white covers, so I started using my stash of fabric to create fun covers for him to wear.

After experimenting with many types of fabric to use as a waterproof layer, I broke down and ordered some PUL fabric. This stands for Polyurethane Laminate which is used for hospital sheets and pillow cases, waterproof outdoor clothing, etc. It is not sold in any store near me..not even in Portland. I tried using other fabrics like iron-on vinyl (which worked, but was stiff and crinkly) and Gortex (this worked also, but the waterproofing would breakdown through many washes and we all know how often we wash diapers!). I found a great laminated fabric as a reminent at the Mill End Store in Portland in the home decor section. This fabric was used for curtains and was pretty dated fabric. When I went back to get some more, they said they no longer carried that fabric... So I felt my only option was to order fabric online. I like to be able to see and try a small piece of fabric before ordering it, but I was out of luck. When the 5 yards of PUL came, I was happy to find that this was exactly what I needed!

I have been making diaper covers galore to try and make the perfect cover for my son's needs. I think I have it down. I even asked a couple of friends to test them out, used their feedback and modified the covers. Now the next step is to get them into a couple of shops to try and sell a couple. I want to use my vast supply of fabric to make the covers, so they will each be unique without the capability of making too many in one print. Check them out at my Etsy shop

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