
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week Eight- Craft Box

I used to have one of these tool organization boxes when I was teaching and stored all of my paper clips, erasers, white out, etc. .  I found this golden rod colored box at a thrift store for a dollar along with this 70's retro contact paper.  Now I can organize my small craft materials, and the kids' homework supplies... paper clips, glue sticks, pencil sharpeners, tape, paint brushes, brads.

Middle School Art Class Taking on the Challenge

Yesterday I went to an after school Middle School art class to talk about the Repurposing Project.  This month we are creating with used cassette and VHS tapes.  There were about  6 Middle Schoolers who came to the class eager to create.  I told them about the project and once the materials were handed out, they started pulling the ribbon out of the cassette and asking for a screwdriver to take the cassette tapes apart.  You could almost see the ideas forming in their heads about what they were going to make with the challenge material.

This is the pile of ribbon that came out of a handful of cassettes.
The ribbon looked like a pile of hair, so sparked the idea of making a person with the cassette tapes with the ribbon as the hair.

 The cassette tape person is being assembled.

A glue gun works perfectly.  Thanks girls for the idea!

 After some trial and error, it was decided that silver Sharpie worked best on the cassette tapes for decoration.

Cassette tape necklace!!  I can see a fad starting!

 This pile of supplies will soon become a telephone.

 Come to First Friday on March 2nd from 5pm-8pm at the Columbia Art Center in Hood River to see how the projects turned out.

Monday, February 20, 2012

February Challenge Material- Discarded Cassette Tapes

     The challenge material for the February Repurposing Project is discarded cassette tapes from the Hood River Library and discarded VHS tapes from the Mid Valley Elementary School library. The Master Recyclers were contacted about how to recycle the cassette tapes and VHS tapes.  There is not a convenient way to recycle these materials in the Columbia River Gorge.  Far West Fibers, in the Portland area, is the only place I have heard about that will take VHS and cassette tapes to recycle.

      The mission is to find creative ways to repurpose the cassette and VHS, along with their covers.  If you choose to join in the challenge and need materials, you can stop by the Columbia Art Center during business hours and take all you need.  Please send me a picture of your completed project so I can include it on my blog at the beginning of March or bring it down to the Art Center by March 1st,  so I can include it in the First Friday exhibit on March 2nd from 5pm-7pm.

      I can't wait to see what everyone has made with this month's challenge material!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Week Seven- Magazine Scrap USA Map Collage

Magazines scraps were used to make this USA map collage.  Using this technique always results in amazing projects.  I'm still trying to decide if this project is finished or not.  I feel like something is missing.  Any ideas?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week Six- Valentine's Projects

I was asked to teach a craft project for my daughter's class for Valentine's Day.  Here are the two ideas I came up with.

Valentine Bookmark made from paint chips
(This was my daughters favorite)

Pocket notebook made from recycled cereal box, scrap book paper with a peek-a-boo heart window.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week Five- Bad Art

 I have in the search for bad art painted on canvas for a repurpose project.    I took the piece of bad art, cut  a stencil of the deer head out of contact paper and painted over the top of it. Once the contact paper was removed, I was left with something new to hang on my wall.

Here is original painting. 

What I learned:
  •  I don't think contact paper is the best option for the stencil, although I did use old contact paper.  It did not want to stick to the textured painting very well, so small areas ended up with paint under it.
  • Choose a painting with bold colors.
  • Acrylic paint will come off the canvas if you attend to it right away, before it dries.  Just use a little water to help "erase" the mistakes.

 My next project will be a jackalope for my sister for her birthday... I don't think I need to worry about spoiling the surprise.  I don't think she reads my blog.  But, if you know her, don't tell!

Here's the finished jackalope!

Friday, February 3, 2012

January Challenge- Used Billboards

Here is what was made out of January's challenge material, used billboards.  

Deer head -
I got this idea from Pinterest and made it my own by covering foam board with billboard material to create this three dimensional deer head.

Tote Bag and Wallets

Butterfly chair-
I found a butterfly chair frame with a ripped cover, so I used the cover as my pattern and made a new one out of billboard material.

I found this step stool at a garage sale.
All it needed was a fresh coat of paint and a new billboard cover.

This was created by a Dual Language Kindergarten class at Mid Valley Elementary School.  They each created a picture of themselves or a pet on small pieces of billboard.  The piece of billboard their teacher used had writing on it, so she pieced together the letters she found to create yo=me.

Here is our first exhibit of the Repurposing Project during First Friday's Art Walk at the Columbia Art Center in Hood River.

The challenge material for February is cassette tapes and VHS tapes.  Let me know if you are interested in joining the Repurposing Challenge!  Send pictures of your project or bring them to the art center on the first Thursday of the month, March 1st.